MMDA 2018 Conference Photos
Charting the Course of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine
AMDA’s annual meeting was a huge success. We thank our speakers for their efforts in providing timely, quality information to our attendees.
John Loome MD, CMD
Steve Levenson, MD
We Think Rationally—To a Point John loome, MD, CMD / Steve Levenson, MD
Amanda Leonard, PT, DScPT, NCS
Dr. Dang Nguyen, MD
Fatima Sheikh, MD, CMD, MPH
Alva S. Baker, MD, CMDR, HMDC
Alva S. Baker, MD, CMDR, HMDC and Fatima Sheikh, MD, CMD, MPH
Morgan Katz, MD, MHS
William D. Shaughnessy,
Francisco Ward, MD
Rachelle Pierre-Mathieu, MD
Mary Evans MD, CMD and panelists: Renee Joyner, MA; Joanne Frankel, LCSW-C; Barry Grofic, MA; Harold Bob, MD, CMD
Dr. Elon Berman Award
Advanced Practice COTY 2018 / Florence Alli, CRNP
Dr. Dorothy Seay