MMDA—The Mid-Atlantic Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine
Clinician of the Year Award Purpose:
This Award is established to recognize the many contributions of Mid-Atlantic practitioners to the delivery of quality healthcare to long-term care residents, as well as the importance of the clinician to our healthcare delivery system. Through these clinicians’ efforts, the applications of medical advances are integrated into the practice of long term and post-acute care medicine, resulting in improved well-being and quality of life for those served.
MMDA welcomes the nomination of exemplary Mid-Atlantic clinicians whose primary focus is the delivery of medical care in a long-term care facility or post-acute care settings such as a skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Nominees may have part-time clinical appointments at academic university settings, but the majority of their activities should be in the delivery of patient care or in the education of those who perform such delivery of patient care. This includes physicians, advanced practice nurses and physician’s assistants practicing in this area of healthcare. Membership in MMDA is not required.
The following list suggests some of the qualities or characteristics of the clinicians we seek to honor.
Criteria for the Award:
- Clinical excellence in post-acute and long term care;
- professional competence through continuing medical education;
- availability and accessibility to patients, families and healthcare settings;
- clear and careful communications with long-term care residents, post-acute inpatients, their families and facility staff; and
- awareness of the ethical and social issues inherent in the practice of this field of medicine.
Nomination Process:
Nominations should consist of a letter of nomination, at least one additional letter of support from a colleague(s) and the nominee’s Curriculum Vitae. The nomination letter should specifically address how the individual’s accomplishments relate to the purpose of the Award and how the individual meets the eligibility criteria. Also, the letter of nomination should include any necessary background information that qualifies the nominee for the Award. The letter should specifically address the nominee’s role in the delivery of patient care or the education of those who perform such delivery of patient care.
All nominations will be reviewed by a Selection Committee.
All letters of nomination must be received by the deadline of Monday, October 16: via; fax – 410-385-0154, or postal mail – MMDA, 1211 Cathedral Street, 3rd Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201. The Award will be presented at the MMDA Annual Meeting, Friday November 10 and Saturday, November 11, at the Sheraton Hotel, Columbia, MD.
The Award recipient will be recognized on MMDA’s website and in a news release by MMDA.
MMDA—The Mid-Atlantic Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine
Medical Director the Year Award Purpose:
This Award is established to recognize the many contributions of Mid-Atlantic Medical Directors to the quality of healthcare to long-term care residents and post-acute inpatient care recipients.
MMDA welcomes the nomination of exemplary Mid-Atlantic Medical Directors. Nominees must be:
- a physician in good standing;
- an MMDA member in good standing;
- an experienced (> 3 years) Medical Director;
- an experienced Attending Physician;
- a proven team leader;
- a proven clinical leader;
- involved in community activities; and
- an effective educator.
Nomination Process:
Nominations should consist of a letter of nomination, at least one additional letter of support from a colleague(s), including the facility’s Director of Nursing and/or Administrator, and the nominee’s Curriculum Vitae. The nomination letter should specifically address how the individual’s accomplishments relate to the purpose of the Award and how the individual meets the eligibility criteria. Also, the letter of nomination should include any necessary background information that further qualifies the nominee for the Award.
All nominations will be reviewed by a Selection Committee.
All letters of nomination must be received by the deadline of Monday, October 16: via, fax – 410-385-0154, or postal mail – MMDA, 1211 Cathedral Street, 3rd Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201. The Award will be presented at the MMDA Annual Meeting, Friday, November 10 and Saturday, November 11, at the Sheraton Hotel, Columbia, MD.
The Award recipient will be recognized on MMDA’s website and in a news release by MMDA.
History of the Berman Award
Mid-Atlantic Medical Directors Association
The Berman award was suggested originally by Board member, Dr. Rebecca Elon, and was developed to honor Dr. Joseph Berman and subsequent recipients as a life achievement award recognizing the physician for a career of significant contribution to the Long Term Care continuum.
The award was intended to be given annually at the MMDA Annual Meeting, as voted by the Board of Directors. Dr. Berman received the inaugural award in November, 2007. As the third Medical Director of the Office of HealthCare Quality, Dr. Berman was noted not only for his diligence to his office, but also for his unwavering commitment to best practice and his willingness to reach out to clinicians with the highest standard of care for the community being his goal. Last but not least, Dr. Berman spearheaded Maryland’s efforts to develop and implement education requirements for medical directors.
In November 2008, the award was presented to Dr. Steve Levenson, Past President of both MMDA and AMDA, not only for his work with AMDA and CMS at the national level, editorship of Caring for the Ages, publications on the role of the medical director and contributions to AMDA’s Clinical Practice Guidelines, but also for his time, effort, and commitment at the state chapter level to establish and strengthen MMDA to become one of the preeminent state chapters of AMDA.
In November 2009, the award was presented to Dr. “Buzz” Baker, also a Past President of MMDA and AMDA, for his significant contributions over many years to AMDA’s Core Curriculum for Medical Directors, his leadership within AMDA at a national level, and his dedication and work with our state chapter during its infancy.
Dr. Susan Levy was the distinguished honoree in November 2010 in recognition of her service and thoughtful, exuberant guidance as President of MMDA and of her work as a mentor for physicians in the Long Term Care Continuum. At a state chapter level under her leadership, MMDA expanded general membership as well as membership of the Board of Directors, and the organization increased its visibility and mission by actively reaching out to potential members in all regions of the state. As a Past President of MMDA, Dr. Levy contributed increasing input and involvement in Board activities and development. At a national level, she served on the board as a State Chapters President Representative and is currently serving on AMDA committees.
The recipient of the Berman Award in 2011 was Dr. William Reichel. Dr. Reichel has had an extraordinary career in geriatrics at a national and international level. Over many decades, he has advocated for residents of long term care testifying before the U.S. Congress and educating young physicians entering long term care. While he does indeed have too many accomplishments to honor in a few words, we noted specifically his contribution to the education of physicians and his mentorship of colleagues, who have become leaders within the state of Maryland and nationally. Through his work as an educator, advocate, mentor and clinician, Dr. Reichel’s passionate voice for geriatric patients in long term care will be heard for many years to come.
Dr. Harold Bob was selected by the Board of MMDA as the honoree of the Berman Award at the Annual Meeting in 2012. Dr. Bob has advocated and supported a broader understanding of and appreciation of end of life care, and specifically, hospice care for residents in nursing homes across the state of Maryland. Under Dr. Bob’s leadership as President of MMDA, the organization actively reached out to nurse practitioner colleagues and to attending physicians in nursing homes throughout Maryland. The award also recognized his leadership in the growth of the Annual Meeting both in quality and opportunities for participation. Last but not least, Dr. Bob’s stewardship of the organization through challenging transitions at AMDA and during a series of transitions in MMDA’s Executive Director promoted and resulted in a stronger MMDA.
Patricia Tomsko Nay, MD, CMD, CHCQM, FAAFP, FAIHQ, FAAHPM, was MMDA’s recipient of the Berman Award for 2013. When Dr. Joe Berman retired from State service in 2008, Dr. Nay followed him as the Medical Director at the Office of Health Care Quality (OHCQ). Prior to her work with DHMH she was the Medical Director of the Hebrew Home of Greater Washington and had an active geriatric medical practice. In August 2013, she became the Executive Director of the OHCQ. An active member of AMDA and MMDA since the late 1990s, she has served on the MMDA Board of Directors, the AMDA House of Delegates, and various workgroups. Most recently, Dr. Nay was appointed to the AMDCP Board of Directors in 2013. She is recognized for her tireless efforts to oversee the quality of care throughout Maryland’s health care system and for her leadership in the Maryland MOLST project. With her leadership, the commitment of Dr. Berman to quality care in all sectors of health care in Maryland has and will continue.